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What is Spotgini?

Spotgini is a conversational tool that uses an artificial intelligence software to help you reach people among your network as well as artists to book events, appointments, and authenticate connections. Some of the features include creating events in advance that allow you to see popularity and reservations to estimate earnings.

Design Process


User Research


Iterations and Solutions


Final Design

Problems Found

From our research, we found that users could not identify what the product was when visiting the landing page. When users were asked to define Spotgini, they were at a loss of words. Users resisted from chatting with the conversational tool due to uncertainty and questioned what "Firestarter" meant.

My Hypothesis

Some initial thoughts and brainstorms I had were completely removing the idea of a conversational tool and introducing what the product can actually do for the user. I wanted to present all the information to the user before having them interact with the website.

My Role

UX Designer 

UX Researcher 


3 months

Team Members

Dianne Worku

Tools Used



Usability Testing

We conducted 5 virtual interviews where each user had to complete tasks that we created. Success was measured by task completion and time to complete tasks. We also measured how long or short the journey was in order for them to complete each task. I grouped them to see similarities in task completion between the users.

User didn't understand what Spotgini does.

User avoided the conversational tool 

User couldn't find the introduction until scrolling towards the bottom of the screen

User didn't understand what the features were supposed to be.

User still didn't understand what Spotgini was after going through the conversational tool

User Walkthrough


We asked the user to browse through the website and describe what the page is communicating to them. Some sample questions were, "What do you think the chatbox is?" and "Where do you think this button will lead to (starting to interact with the tool) ?"


We asked the user to chat with the chatting tool. Throughout the process of going through the chatbox, we asked them how they feel about certain questions such as asking for personal information. Did they understand what the features meant? Were they given the information in a correct manner or was the user flow successful?


Before clicking submit in the chatbox, did the user understand what Spotgini is and what they exactly signed up for? Did they complete the task?


Iterations and Solutions

After conducting usability testing, we realized the entire landing page needed to be altered and re-evaluated to create a better understanding for users when interacting with it. Before creating actual prototypes, we compared past iterations of the landing page to understand the changes made before. For future implementations, we didn't want to repeat patterns nor create new problems.

Iteration 1

In this iteration, the image has poor quality and the features have vague descriptions (Greeter, Firestarter, and Spot Scheduler),

Iteration 2

This iteration was more visually clean but lacked information for the features and a general description of what Spotgini is. 

Ultimate Goal: Meeting the company's wants and the user's needs.


Introducing the conversational tool was most important for the company


The user is able to understand what they interacting with before engaging with the conversational tool


Final Outcome

After considering the findings and communicating with what the company wanted, we came up with a design that included a chatbox and also an introduction into what Spotgini is. We also created a new design system that changed the colors and font to adjust to the kind of style the company wanted.

Meeting Halfway

With some creative freedom, we were able to change the design system quite a bit from how it was originally by introducing vibrant colors such as purple. We also found a balance to maintain the conversational tool as well as finding a space for a short description of Spotgini. 


With the client in mind, we had some restrictions in terms of content and strategy. When editing the user flow of the conversational tool, we had to make sure the user was comfortable while also providing the AI bot with crucial information to create their user profile.

Why did we not create any wireframes or low-fidelity prototypes?

Since there were multiple iterations, it was quite simple to choose which features to incorporate. We didn't want to stray far from the current landing page but wanted to give it more color, information, and style.

Our Final Version

In this final version, we took the pain points that we discovered and transformed it into a landing page that addresses the following:

Introduction into what Spotgini is

Features description is short, but explained effectively

Added some color to make it playful and interactive for users


What I learned & Challenges

This project's timeline was based on making sure the vision was right and the client was happy. Many times, the client didn't know what they wanted and it led us in the wrong direction. We jumped from idea to idea, debating the smallest and biggest ideas for the landing page.

This project taught me a lot about the design process and more importantly satisfying the client's needs and wants. There had to be clear communication until both parties were happy with the outcome. 

As for design, I learned how to create a design system that would give users information in a pleasant and calming way. Using opposite colors to contrast text attracts attention to certain aspects of the page.

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